
Tryouts and Dates

All student-athletes trying out for baseball will need their own personal equipment –fielder’s glove, batting gloves, batting helmet etc...  Please note missed tryout days will not be made up unless it is due to injury, continuing a winter sport or uncontrollable circumstances for the student athlete. Tryouts will last 3 days with final cuts being made on the 3rd day. Some cuts may happen prior to the 3rd day.

9th Grade tryouts will be March 3rd-5th 2025 at TCO in Vadnais Heights from 3:30-5:30 pm. Transportation will be provided.

PLEASE NOTE: If your player has to miss tryouts due to a winter sports they will need to contact a coach and arrange to do tryouts March 18 - 20, 2024.

10th - 12th Grade tryouts will be March 17 - 20th 2025 at TCO in Vadnais Heights from 3:30-5:30 PM

All student-athletes are expected to attend their assigned practice times on time. A written note for an absence is expected prior to that absence. Please email a coach the day of for sickness or emergencies.

Spring Break Policy: Spring break is early and therefore will not interfere with our tryouts.

Post Tryout 48-Hour Cooling Off Policy: It is our experience through many years of doing tryouts for all ages that it is always better to not react in the moment when someone is upset. We sometimes say things we don't mean or have not thought about long enough. This is why our program will have, a 48-hour cooling off period during which neither the parents nor players may initiate contact with any coaches regarding tryouts or team placement.

Player final ranking or score WILL NOT be shared with players/parents. Evaluator’s comments WILL NOT be made available to parents/players.  The results of player placement and improvements if a player did not make a team will be given to the player at the end of their tryout if they request them.  

Concerns regarding tryouts and team placement once tryouts are complete must be submitted via email or written letter (you can drop off at White Bear Lake High School South Campus, Attn: WBL Varsity Baseball Coach)

Please note emails and letters will not be returned and deleted in regards to talking about tryouts if they are not after the 48 hour period. The WBL varsity coach will reach out to you via email to arrange a meeting if needed. The meeting will not be longer than 15 minutes in length.